Seniors, individuals with disabilities, and aging parents of adult children with special needs often require support in managing various aspects of life. IKOR offers both comprehensive care management and life management services designed to fit each client’s unique needs. 

Care management services are performed by a Registered Nurse Care Manager and focus on areas related to physical, cognitive and mental health. From in-home visits to accompanying clients to doctor’s appointments, to medication management and care coordination, our clients have a personal RN Care Manager to advocate for them and ensure their safety and overall well-being. The services our RNs provide are underpinned by clinical experience and specialized training and expertise in senior care and advocacy.

IKOR RN Care Managers:

  • Educate clients on their disease process for health crisis prevention
  • Attend healthcare appointments and advocate for the patient
  • Facilitate communication and understanding between healthcare providers, clients, and their families
  • Elicit and sustain client cooperation with treatment plans and medication therapy
  • Coordinate and oversee care among multiple providers and ancillary services
  • Navigate crises, hospital discharges, and client flow through various levels of care
  • Serve as Healthcare Power of Attorney
  • Perform wellness visits
health services management

Healthcare Advocacy

People frequently become lost in the healthcare system, receiving treatment that does not adequately address their condition or dealing with specialists who focus on their area of expertise but do not address the needs of the whole person. Our team of RN Care Managers works hard to ensure that clients receive the appropriate care when they require it. We review every aspect of the total plan of care. We propose alternatives and ask difficult questions. Our staff is not afraid to advocate for the care that our clients need. When necessary, we seek second opinions; we are frequently able to communicate with medical providers in a way that improves treatment and outcomes. We also accompany our customers to medical appointments, asking questions and receiving answers to help them comprehend their treatment options. With and on behalf of our clients, we communicate with families and other service providers, so all appropriate parties are informed of healthcare status and can aid in making important healthcare decisions.

Care Coordination & Oversight

IKOR R.N. Care Managers serve as the “professional relative” that has the capacity, knowledge and training to coordinate and oversee all aspects of healthcare for our clients. Our care management includes in-person visits – giving us the opportunity to identify changes in health and help coordinate appropriate medical intervention or additional care providers. If our clients need other care providers, such as in-home care, physical therapy, skilled nursing or hospice, an IKOR nurse is there to recommend options and oversee the quality of the care our clients receive. Part of our wellness visits include regular medication analysis, as well as tactics to ensure medication compliance.

Chronic Illness Support

Many areas of everyday life might become progressively difficult as we age or are diagnosed with chronic health concerns. Unexpected changes can become catastrophic events in the absence of a plan, potentially leading to institutionalized long-term care, which can frequently be avoided with a detailed plan. We concentrate on provider collaboration, medication management, and safe hospital discharge transitions in care. We offer on-call assistance in the event of an emergency. Our team members provide non-duplicative services, which means we employ all programs accessible to help the client. We also give recommendations for services that many people are unaware are accessible to them.

Healthcare Power of Attorney

A Healthcare Power of Attorney is a legal document that grants a trusted individual the authority to make health-care choices and the obligation to ensure that doctors and other medical workers deliver necessary and appropriate treatment in accordance with the client’s desires. End-of-life care is covered by a Healthcare Power of Attorney. When IKOR of Eastern Pennsylvania acts as Healthcare Power of Attorney, an IKOR RN Care Manager works with our clients to understand their beliefs and preferences for long-term care, as well as their care-related needs. The RN Care Manager learns about our clients’ medical preferences and ensures that their medical care is appropriately handled. We explore any potential areas of concern, with the goal of ensuring that our clients receive the treatment they need and is consistent with our customers’ interests, values, and wishes.

Intellectual Disability Advocacy

Individuals with intellectual disabilities often start their journey from birth. Not only are they on a long and challenging path, but so are their relatives and parents. In these situations, IKOR’s involvement goes beyond “quarterbacking” the client’s medical needs and also includes advocating for our client to get the most out of services provided by the educational and vocational programs. The IKOR process includes using any publicly available programs as necessary. IKOR educates parents—and frequently, the client’s occupational and educational partners—of their alternatives, providing them with the knowledge they need to make decisions that will have the most positive impact on the client’s quality of life.

Physical Disability Advocacy

Physical limits that result from birth, an accident, or illness are not only a visible indicator of difficulties but also the cause of misconceptions and discrimination for anybody who must deal with this kind of disability. The frustration of not knowing where to start affects individuals we love or strive to assist almost every day. In order to support the abilities of individuals with physical limitations, our team has helped many families and professionals in identifying their needs and connecting with the appropriate resources. Even when care is established, such as when home care is in place and doctors are involved, our team has been effective in simplifying and integrating the services, frequently elevating successful outcomes.